12.2.12, 19c in 1 or 2 shots

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12.2.12, 19c in 1 or 2 shots

Hi Dear Erman!
How are you ? :) Time flyes :)
Have a  new customer with 12.2.4 + 12c db.
We want  to upgrade to 12.2.12 + 19c
What do you think :
First upgrade EBS  12.2.12 on 12c
THEN after some time db 12->19c
Or all in 1 shot.

If we do in 2 phases, then testing should be done for 2 phases separatlly as well.
12c Db we dont have extended and will not buy it  as well. How big risks to run to issues ?
I think not  quite big as the ebs level patches should cover those issues.

If 1 shot, too much pressure on hours /downtime, but  we save on testing, as tested only the final result.

What is your advice would be ?
Thx alot! :)
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Re: 12.2.12, 19c in 1 or 2 shots

Thanks Laurel. Everything fine. I hope all goes good on your side as well.

We recently did it in one go. Having all done in one shot have advantages, especially for testing efforts . That 's correct and that was the reason made us choose that.

However; there will be a high downtime :) (72 hours in our case) and there will be lots of efforts, sleepless nights :)
I think you can imagine.. your APPS DBAs will be exhausted, but at the end you can make it.. If you do those tests well, then you will be okay.

But still my suggestion is doing it in 2 phases. (first db then app).  Of course, if you have other requirements (for instance if you can't give x2 test efforts), then you can go just have your big downtime and upgrade everything :) -- that also works. that can be done. We have done it..

Those risks are not that important, as long as you do your test well.. So for both of the methods; it depends on your test performance.. (for the one-go method, it also depends on your APPS DBA performance :) You will address all the issues in your test environment.. Prepare a good documentation (SOPS, upgrade time schedule, Runbook etc) and you will be ok.