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You need to check the initialization parameters for EBS.. Ref Doc: Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 396009.1)
If it is instructed to be set to FALSE ( with the #MP comment), you must not set it to TRUE.. I hope you understand what I mean.. MP means Mandatory Parameter.
For instance for EBS DB 12c1 ->
# Optimizer parameters.
# Release 12 uses cost based optimization. The following optimizer
# parameters must be set as shown, and should not be changed.
# It is recommended to disable the adaptive optimizer features: adaptive plans,
# automatic re-optimization, and SQL plan directives.
# For Windows platform, (Aug 2017) Bundle Patch or later is required.
# For other platforms, (Oct 2017) Bundle Patch or later is required.
# Remove optimizer_adaptive_features from pfile or spfile, and replace it with
# optimizer_adaptive_plans=FALSE #MP and optimizer_adaptive_statistics=FALSE #MP
# For more details, refer to MOS Doc ID 1594274.1.
optimizer_adaptive_features = FALSE #MP