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Autoconfig on patch file system failed.

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Autoconfig on patch file system failed.

157 posts
Dear Erman sir,

I am  implementing shared application file system in my test environment, in one stage  i have to run autoconfig on both run file system and patch file system.

In run file system autoconfig is successfully completed but in patch file system it has failed.

Make sure this is new clone instance for doing this practical.

Please check the attached log and advice .

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Re: Autoconfig on patch file system failed.

5727 posts
This may be related wrong Load Balancer configuration in one of the Application Tier context file(s).
Check -> Executing AutoConfig Failed in adgendbc.sh on a Cloned Environment With Load Balancer (Doc ID 2197277.1)
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Re: Autoconfig on patch file system failed.

3 posts
Well I am having a same problem. We have an environment where EBS 12.2.6  with DB is running on OL6. We want to upgrade the OS to OL8. But after a successful clone to OL8 with all required patches when we run autoconfig on PATCH file system, it fails. Our data size is more than 2TB and limitation of OL8 required a mount point out of root dir. So I created a mount point /opt out of root dir.
To check if this new mount point scheme is the issue, I created same dir structure on another OL6 machine and cloned the EBS, now I am having same issue as that on OL8. Autoconfig on Patch file is failing. Please Help. As we want to upgrade our DB to19c and Apps to 12.2.12. Falling behind the deadline.
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Re: Autoconfig on patch file system failed.

5727 posts
You got ->

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-20099: E-Business Suite Patch Edition does not exist.
ORA-06512: at line 48

Invalid Connect string - cannot connect to database\x{a}ERROR:\x{a}OR...', undef) called at /u01/oracle/PROD/fs2/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/Common.pm line 314



You cloned your EBS and you got this error stack.. Line number differs, but I already sent you a MOS note->
Executing AutoConfig Failed in adgendbc.sh on a Cloned Environment With Load Balancer (Doc ID 2197277.1)

*So what about it?

*Also check the cause and solution provided in "ORA-20099: E-Business Suite Patch Edition does not exist on AD&TXK Delta 8 (Doc ID 2360495.1)"

*Also -- ensure your EBS env is correct..

*Also check -> Prepare Phase Is Failing With [ERROR] Patch Service Ebs_patch Does Not Exist (Doc ID 2579880.1)