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Formula is : Required bandwidth = ((Redo rate in Megabytes per sec. / 0.70) * 8)= bandwidth in Mbps
In that note, they just assumed that there is a conservative TCP/IP network overhead of 30%.. (so you can play with that 0.70 values accordingly.. *8 is required for byte to bit conversion, since we get Megabit per sec.
So you need to get your redo rate in Megabytes per sec (how much (in MB) redo you generate in a second,) and then you will be good with the formula.
You should get he highest value for the redo rate. I mean, you should calculate the bandwidth required according to the worst case scenario.
You can get it using v$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY. You can get the max value out of it.. (or you can just choose an average one)
select trunc(max(value)/1024*1024,1) "Max Redo MB Per Sec" from v$sysmetric_history where metric_name = 'Redo Generated Per Sec';