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Browser supporting R12.2.5 forms users

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Browser supporting R12.2.5 forms users

1159 posts
This post was updated on Jul 26, 2021; 1:08pm.
Dear erman,

Internet explorer is getting decomissioned.Is there any alternate browser R12.2.5 to handle forms users.Pls help

I cam across https://blogs.oracle.com/ebstech/java-web-start-now-available-for-ebs-121-and-122.I don’t how other ebs users are accesssing ebs,can u give some idea

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Re: Browser supporting R12.2.5 forms users

1159 posts
We are on AD/TXK delta 7,do we need to upgrade to 8?
If we implement web start,will it have any impact on ebs customisations or any known issues?

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Re: Browser supporting R12.2.5 forms users

5727 posts
Yes, there are alternatives.

Please see -> R12: Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite (Doc ID 389422.1)

There you will see the alternative browsers, requirements, recommended versions (browser + java) and certified settings..
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Re: Browser supporting R12.2.5 forms users

1159 posts
Dear erman,

Thanks for the update.Is it mandatory to go for java web start or we can use other browsers also.We tried using chrome and edge but forms are not launching.You might have seen many customers,is it good to go with webstart..Pls need your expertise.

Our version R12.2.5

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Re: Browser supporting R12.2.5 forms users

5727 posts
Java plug-in will be deprecated , so java web start is a good choice to implement.

Check the following MOS Note ->

Using Java Web Start with Oracle E-Business Suite (Doc ID 2188898.1)

This note gives answwers for your questions. There are recommended browsers there as well.

Forms should be able to launched without any problems in Edge and Chrome browsers, as long as you are aligned with the certification given in
"R12: Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite (Doc ID 389422.1)"
-Section 4: Chrome for Windows Users
-Section 5: Edge for Windows Users