1)No. If you try, you may find your way but it not recommended.. The patch filesystem stores applied patches to the run filesystem. It provides a clean baseline for future patching and upgrades. Cloning from there wouldn't include the base application code.
2)No. How will you patch it? How will you create a SR when you have issues? EBS 12.2 is a dual fs ERP, so if you go with single fs, it is not EBS 12.2 anymore. It wil become tainted. Furthermore, Oracle EBS 12.2 requires a separate patch filesystem for online patching.. Patching purposes, for patching processes.Using a single filesystem can lead to conflicts and issues during patching and upgrades.
3)there are cases where you temporarily disable it. To resolve the issues mostly -> for instance : ADOP Errors During Prepare (Doc ID 2107688.1) .. Trigger is there for online patching purposes. You can review its code and understand -> select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TRIGGER','EBS_LOGON','SYSTEM') from dual;