Dear Erman,
Connectivity from Hadoop to Oracle is not working after upgrading oracle from 12c to 19c.Any idea that you can suggest us.
I only have this information: PRODDB is the PDB,xxobiee is the username in PDB.
sqoop job --meta-connect "jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://********:16000/sqoop" --create APPS.FND_FLEX_VALUE_sets_sqoop_job -- import --connect 'jdbc:oracle:thin:system/system@1*****:1528/PRODDB' --username xxobiee --password-file /user/root/Sqoop_Pwds/ --append --table APPS.FND_FLEX_VALUES_VL --fields-terminated-by '\001' --target-dir '/TTD_Hadoop_Donation in Kind/fnd_flex_value_sets' -m
We have provided access to valuesets