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Cross edition triggers

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Cross edition triggers

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Hi erman,

Cross edition triggers:

(1)They Provide the logic to synchronize and transform data between run and patch editions storage columns

(2)In summary these are used to upgrade both existing data and ongoing changes that occur while the run edition is in use.

When exactly does these fire?

Is it in cutover phase or during apply phase?

Please confirm.

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Re: Cross edition triggers

5727 posts
Online patching can continue while the applications are running.  In addition to the editioning views, using the cross-editioning trigger feature of EBR is crucial for building an online patching environment in modern systems like EBS 12.2. Cross-editioning triggers are triggers that are triggered when the data in the actual edition changes and populates the tables in other editions with these new data changes to make them be synchronous with the base table.

For instance; during online patching, forward cross-edition triggers are created in the patch edition, and they are triggered when the changes are made in the old (run) edition.

Read the following blog posts.. you will understand what they are used for;


Also read my book , I give all the details there (exactly in CHAPTER 5 PATCHING CONCEPTS) -> https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Oracle-Business-Suite-Implementation/dp/1484214234