Customization during adop session

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Customization during adop session

Hi erman,

I am a newbie to R12.2.Can we apply customizatuon during adop session?

i have applied a patch during adop apply phase and now there is an emergency code migration to migrate concurrent program and package through fndload.In this case,can we create the program and packages in run edition?is oracle has any restriction for this?

Thank you,
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Re: Customization during adop session

As far as I understand, you are asking about deploying database tier customizations directly into the run edition of the system, while the system is running.. (like hotpatching)
There is no direct restriction for this, but this is how Oracle warns you ->

An approach that explicitly discouraged is hot patching of customizations. Applying custom changes to the run edition of the system while the system is online carries the risk of causing large chain-reaction invalidation of objects in the dependency tree of whatever is getting patched. This can cause runtime failure in user sessions, and the code may temporarily be in an inconsistent state which can lead to data corruption, runtime exceptions, or other unexpected behavior while the patch is being applied.