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Disabling path in multipath

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Disabling path in multipath

1157 posts
This post was updated on Aug 28, 2021; 3:10am.
Dear erman,

Thanks for article http://ermanarslan.blogspot.com/2015/01/linux-disabling-path-in-multipath.html?m=1

Here if I am correct,it is for failover case and not for load balancing of io.

I would like to know what he exact command in your case,to enable the path which you have disabled.

echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/${HBA}/scan     -> we may scan all the HBA hosts..

Do we have to replace $HBA and —-?

Thank you
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Re: Disabling path in multipath

5727 posts
Of course you have to replace that.
If you have multiple HBA, you have to run that command for each of them. Or you can write a script for doing the loop for you.