Hi Erman
Hope you are doing good. I am currently doing a clone of EBS 12.2.7 to new host(target server-Same OS). Steps i performed so far 1. Ran preclone in apps and Db tier 2. did a normal shutdown of DB and apps and copied the EBSApps directory(for apps) and the datafiles to the new target server. 3. In the target server, installed the binaries and created new control file and started the db using alter database open resetlogs. Db and listener is now up and running. 4. As apps is not yet configured, i don't have the appsutil dirctory created for DB tier. 5. To my surprise, when i checked the contents of FND_NODES, using sql apps/pwd, it returned no table exist. select * from fnd_nodes; * Error at line 1: ORA-00604: error occured at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 5. Now i proceeded with the apps tier configuration using adcfgclone.pl appsTier dualfs, the autoconfig run are failing due to some of the apps table and package doesn't exist. I have also attached the adcfgclone appsTier steps for run file system for your reference. Please advise where exactly it is going wrong. Thanks Raja |
***This is Not possible ->
select * from fnd_nodes; * Error at line 1: ORA-00604: error occured at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-00942: table or view does not exist check it with apps. (not sys) connect as apps , and check with select * from APPLSYS.FND_NODES.. *Your action plan is not correct, you are skipping things.. That is, after cloning the db, you need to run exec fnd_conc_clone_setup_clean first.. then you should run autoconfig on db tier, and then run adcfgclone.pl on apps tier. |
Hi Erman
how do i create the appsutil directory and hence run autoconfig without having the application tier? I mean to admkappsutil.zip gets created in apps tier and at this moment, my apps tier is not yet configured? This is a new host. Thanks Raja |
Copy it from your source Oracle Home.
Hi Erman
The present situation is under apps schema, i am getting some peculiar errors. Even in the Source host, the same error persist. the error for example- If i am tring to run autoconfig, it is erroring out with below error -------------------ADX Database Utility Finished--------------- Verifying connection to the Database : Established Restore Profile Feature : Enabled Following exception raised while accessing the ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG table StackTrace: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Same error is coming if i am trying to invoke adadmin Error: Unable to get APPS username AD Administration - aiuoraGetAppsSchemaName: INFO: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Same error is coming if i am trying to query the FND_NODES under apps schema. looks like something has messed up. Can you please advise if there are any ways to resolve it Thanks Raja |
1)First question is -> How did you end up with this? (please provide me the details, what did you do? what was your aim? what scripts you executed? and so on)
2)Do those tables/objects exist in the database? 3)Can you query those tables when you connect with APPS user? 4)Does your issue persists after running adgrants.sql ? |
Hi Erman
Hi Erman 1. I am trying to clone an EBS 12.2.7 single node instance to new single node hosts. I took a cold copy of the database/application(also OH) and copied it to the new host. In the new host, created a listener(PROD) and then created the control file and opened the db in resetlog mode. DB got opened without any issues. And then i tried to run exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean using apps user and it ran into error SQL> exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean; BEGIN fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean; END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_CONC_CLONE", line 354 ORA-06512: at line 1 and this is where the problem started. Even i checked in the source host and this problem started 2.yes these objects exist in the database 3. yes 4. yes the issue persists after running adgrants.sql Thanks Raja |
Strange.. It seems you got a permission issue, but since you cloned this DB physically, then there should not be any permission issues like this one..
What is written in line at line 354 of at "APPS.FND_CONC_CLONE"? Which table is called there? |
Hi Erman
FND_NODES is the table which is being called. Even If i try to invoke adadmin i get the below error Error: Unable to get APPS username AD Administration - aiuoraGetAppsSchemaName: INFO: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-00942: table or view does not exist. On another node, is running fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean supported in EBS 12.2. If not, then how would i clean up the FND_NODES table as after clone it has the information of the source. Thanks Raja |
it is supported. fnd_conc_clone is present as you see.
Your environment is a little bit broken I guess. For a quick solution, grant permissions to APPS and APPLSYS manually . (since this is a demo/test instance) grant all on FND_NODES to APPS; grant all on FND_NODES to APPLSYS; Compile Apps schema using adadmin. Retry... However, there may be other issues as well.. So, if your source env is running without any problems, compare the schema permissions and equalize the schema permissions between your source and target/clone environments accordingly. |
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