What is the action that you take before these objects become invalid?
you just mentioned an end of month process.. What is its details? Probably that process indirectly invalidates an object which is highly referenced by the other objects and that you end up with this..
In this kind of a situation, we need to concantrate your end of month process (as you said this process is the
cause) We need to check that thing and analyze it.. Is it a concurrent? What kind of a concurrent? Is it a PLSQL code which is executed in the background? Is it custom? If so, what is the code? What does that code do? What kind of a suspicious action does the code take? For example: the code may drop a table, and then recreate it .. If that table is referenced by the others , than those others become invalid..
I think you know what I mean.
So please analyze the situation with these in mind.