Database upgrade is not a "must"
EBS 12.2 supports your current db version.. So, in your case; it is not required to upgrade the database as a prepreq for this EBS upgrade. But if you want to upgrade your database as a part of this EBS upgrade, then go ahaed and upgrade your database as well.
You can do that db upgrade, before upgrading your EBS.. (EBS 12.1 is certified with Oracle Database
As for the EBS upgrade, here are the general steps;
Phase 1 (this is optional in your case..)
1. Upgrade the database on the existing EBS 12.1: apps DBA team
2. Execute a functional test: EBS functional team
Phase 2
3. Install all application pre-upgrade patches: apps DBA team
4. Verify the instance: EBS functional team
Phase 3
5. Execute all functional pre-upgrade tasks including customizations: functional team
6. Perform a full system backup: System and apps DBA team
Phase 4
7. Apply localization and 12.2 pre-upgrade patches: apps DBA team
8. Upgrade to 12.2.0: apps DBA team
9. Enable online patching: apps DBA team
10. Apply tech stack patches: apps DBA team
11. Upgrade to 12.2.4/12.2.5: apps DBA team
12. Perform all post-upgrade tasks: apps DBA and functional teams
13. Application function test cases: core business users