Purchase and install & confgure the new environment (Maybe virtualized .. and/or ODA .. or Exadata . Maybe cloud IAAS or PAAS (if there are no regulations)) .. Be aligned with your licenses..
Then prepare for the migration.. Create a migration strategy, prepare SOPs and execute it.
Most probably, you will use dataguard for the DB migration. (unless there is a platform incompatability)
You will install the new GRID, install the RDBMS software and prepare the dataguard flow and do the switchover..Keep your old db up & running in phys. standby mode, keep it sync (async replication of course) with the new primary for a while (say 10 days..)
--Just in case, you may need to switch back to your old env due to a reason.
--According to the case, you may run postclone (or autoconfig) in your db and apps tiers. These types of migrations are already addressed in MOS documents.