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Error with host concurrent program 19c

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Error with host concurrent program 19c

1159 posts
This post was updated on May 30, 2023; 2:05pm.
Hi erman,

Env database 19c
App version R12.2.5.

We have faced issue yesterday for a program  with below error.Next runs completed successfully

Can you please let us know if it is any bug or any other issue?log file not generated.Below is from request diagnostics.
This request finished with an error and produced the following completion message: The executable file /u01/PRODAPPS/fs2/EBSapps/ appl/xxttd/12.0.0/bin/
XXBDR_HDFC_BD_TRANSFER for this concurrent program cannot be executed.
Contact your system administrator or support representative
Verify that the execution path to th
The processing began on 29-MAY-2023
16:07:45 and ended on 29-MAY-2023 16:07:45.
You may find more information on the cause of the error in the request log or the concurrent manager log

We have verified softlink and it is there,Again next runs completed successfully.

Can you pls suggest what went wrong in between..

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Re: Error with host concurrent program 19c

5727 posts
What type of program 's that XXBDR_HDFC_BD_TRANSFER ? What type of a binary? Do you have necessary permission for that binary file residing in /u01/PRODAPPS/fs2/EBSapps/ appl/xxttd/12.0.0/bin? Java, C , PLSQL what is it? Is it properly coded? Can you execute that binary/executable  successfully by the APPS OS User manually?
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Re: Error with host concurrent program 19c

1159 posts
Hi erman,

It's a host concurrent program.XXBDR_HDFC_BD_TRANSFER is a prog file.It pushes files to bank server.only 1 run got failed with that error.Its a scheduled program.Next runs completed successfully.

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Re: Error with host concurrent program 19c

5727 posts
Probably that program failed then.. Check the program.. I don't what is it.. You didn't tell me about it.. If it pushes some files to the bank, then probably it is doing some FTP/SFTP or someting.. Anyways test it..  Test the failure modes of it. Probably it failed while running at that time.. Enable logging inside that program(tell that to your developers), so you will have detailed logging when next time the issue will occur..