1159 posts
Dear erman,
Rhel 7.3 is the os
We are setting up alerts from backup shell scripts.Earlier we used gmail smtp server smtp-relay.gmail.com:25 and we used to receive emails.
Vendor changed and it was now relay.gic.in..we are using the same commands but here is the error.Can u pls give us some Idea.
oraprod@edb1~]$ cat a.txt| mailx -v -r "ARC Backup< username@domain.com
>" -s "${SUBJECTHEADER}" -S smtp="relay.gic.in:25" -S smtp-use-starttls -S smtp-auth=login -S smtp-auth-user=" username@domain.com" -S smtp-auth-password="Satish@1234" -S ssl-verify=ignore -S nss-config-dir="/etc/pki/nssdb/" username@domain.com
Resolving host relay.gic.in . . . done.
Connecting to *******:25 . . . connected.
Connecting to *********:25 . . . connected.
Unexpected EOF on SMTP connection
"/home/oraprod/dead.letter" 11/349
. . . message not sent.