Flashback in R12.2.5

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Flashback in R12.2.5

Dear Erman,

We would like to enable flash back in R12.2.5.Will it have any performance impact to EBS,if we enable flashback

Thank you
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Re: Flashback in R12.2.5

It will impact performance but it is unpredictable..
It changes according to your environment  and it depends on how you enable it...
You are talking about enabling flashback logging right?

Becayse, Flashback has two modes. 1) the things we can do when the flashback logging is enabled 2) the things we can do when flashback logging is disabled.

Also, the disk consumption and the performance overhead changes according to the way we choose to use
the flashback database feature.

When you enable flashback logging, every block change is recorded in the flashback logs.
When you don't enable flashback logging, only the first block change is recorded in the flashback logs.

So it depends on how you enable it and how you change your data.

The cost that will be added by enabling flashback logging is mostly in the I/O layer.
With a simple thinking, one I/O (write I/O especially) will be two I/Os..

Also note that, the impact is not only in the performance side.
Enabling flashback logging can also cause significant space pressure in the fast recovery area.

Again, the performance impact will change depending upon the pattern of activity on your database