Golden Gate DDL replication slow

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Golden Gate DDL replication slow

Source: RHEL 7.4 + Oracle DB
Target: Windows Server 2019 + MSSQL DB


I noticed replication of a table with 3.2 million records is taking lots of time. It usually takes 6 hours to complete.

I checked the WIndows server COU and RAM are ok. Do you think the problem is with the Network card?
The Windows server is running very slow.


Kindly advise
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Re: Golden Gate DDL replication slow

This type of a lag can introduced while reading the redo, transffering it through network or writing the data. writing to a trail or writing to the database.. A performance problem inside the database can also trigger this kind of a lag.
However; it seems you already pointed out a pressure on the network.. Seems like it reaches its limits.. So, why not start diagnosing from there...