There is a document written for this , but it is written for
Concurrent Processing - How to Setup Parallel Concurrent Processing using Shared APPL_TOP for RAC Environment (Doc ID 278816.1)
The same logic applies to 12.2
I mean, just edit the context file on the node that you want to be the concurrent manager node, enable the concurrent processing and run Autoconfig on that node.
just edit the context file on the node that you want not to be the concurrent manager node, disable the concurrent processing and run Autoconfig on that node.
On the other hand; i don't think it is required -->
Why do you want to have only 1 concurrent processing node?
You have multi apps node on shared appl top right?
so , why don't you use Parallel Concurrent Processing?
How To Activate Parallel Concurrent Processing In R12 (Doc ID 1525233.1)
-> Look what it said in this document:
In Release 12, Parallel Concurrent Processing (PCP) is already active in a in a multi-node shared APPL_TOP, non-RAC environment. That is to say, you can't turn PCP off or on. All you have to do is assign your preference of primary or secondary node to your managers, if you have a node preference (Responsibility = System Administrator, Navigate --> Concurrent: Manager: Define).