Jdbc statement cache

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Jdbc statement cache

Dear erman,

Any idea What is jdbc statement caching and does it have any relation with session cached cursors?


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Re: Jdbc statement cache

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This one is an Oracle JDBC programming question. Let me try my best to answer that..

JDBC statement caching is enabling in the code and it provides;

Prevention of the overhead of repeated cursor creation
Prevention of repeated statement parsing and creation
Reusing data structures in the client

Session cached cursors are the ones that are cached closed cursors each session can have. They provide a fast way (pointers to parsed sqls in the shared pool) for our clients and make them find the cached cursors they are interested in, in the shared pool quickly.
We say we did a "softer soft parse" when we got benefit from session cached cursors..
So having session cached cursors in place is just an optimizations for parsing.. softer soft parses.. Things like prepared statements, callable statement and jdbc statement caching are more like for reducing the parses. (reducing the parse counts from client side)