Licenses required for EBS 12.2 and SSO

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Licenses required for EBS 12.2 and SSO

I'm starting a new 12.2.x Single Sign On project.  I was wondering what (if any) additional licenses are required to implement EBS SSO using OID/OUD and OAM.  Can people get into license trouble implementing SSO without realizing it?  What implied licenses are granted if already licensing EBS 12.2.x?  Are there any features that aren't included?  Do we have to install the extra SSO components on the same nodes as the EBS apps tier for licensing reasons?  Do high availability SSO solutions require additional licenses?  I wasn't able to find this information online.

Thanks, Dean

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Re: Licenses required for EBS 12.2 and SSO

I was able to find this brief paragraph from Oracle.  That seems like an implied license.  It is very high level though...

Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite Plus for Oracle Applications may be used only to perform associated actions for users of and within the eligible Oracle Applications. Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite Plus for Oracle Applications may be used to do the following: (1) add, delete, modify, and manage user identities and roles in the eligible Oracle Applications; (2) provide web access management and single sign-on into eligible Oracle Applications; (3) provide data storage - or virtualization to data storage - of user identities and user identity related information or authentication and authorization policies for eligible Oracle Applications; (4) provide federated single sign-on to eligible Oracle Applications.

Regards, Dean
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Re: Licenses required for EBS 12.2 and SSO

Hi Dean,

I m not licensing Expert, so I don't want to mislead you.. However, as far as I know; if you have EBS, then you can use OID and OAM with EBS.. (as long as you configure this SSO solution specifically for EBS and use it in a restricted way..)
However; this is not an official info and it may not be true..
You need to ask it to Oracle and get approval from Oracle.