Hi Erman,
I am trying to migrate my Oracle EBS from single DB to a RAC DB using Doc. ID 1626606.1. However, as I am not very familiar with RAC, I have issues while enabling autoconfig on DB. This Oracle Note is not very explicit in term how to write tnsnames.ora and listener.ora before running autoconf. Do you have any advices which guide to correctly configure DB and so on AppsTier. Regards, Latifa |
Just before the first autoconfig, configure the listener and tnsnames.ora on 1st RAC node to let the autoconfig to connect the 1st node of the database.
After autoconfig , you will have your tnsnames and listener ora files generated by autoconfig.. So you just need autoconfig to be able to connect to the database during its first run.. Just make your listener to listen in a port for you db. Add necessary tns entry to the tnsnames.ora and run autoconfig. After the first run, your correct and formatted tnsnames and listener files will be generated by autoconfig. |
Hi erman what are the necessary entries in the tnsnames ? please Note1 Note1.txt I attach a copy of my tnsname.ora before adconfig tnsnames.txt So I have run adconfig.pl. It works on both nodes. However when I tried to make connections in the following way: conn apps/***@[all entries in the tnsnames.ora] --> doesn't work and now even I tried to do again the procedure, I have the following error: Enter value for 1: Enter value for 2: Enter value for 3: ERROR: ORA-12521: TNS:listener does not currently know of instance requested in connect descriptor ERRORCODE = 1 ERRORCODE_END --> the listener, tnsnames is modified now. --> What's wrong ? |
I restarted database and rerun adconfig.pl , it finished succefully ...
However ....
I have this issues: SQL> conn apps/***@DB1 Connected. SQL> conn apps/***@DB11 Connected. SQL> conn apps/***@DBO11_FO Connected. SQL> conn apps/***@DB12 Connected. SQL> conn apps/***@DB12_FO Connected. SQL> conn apps/***@DB1_FO Connected. SQL> conn apps/***@DB12_LOCAL ERROR: ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE. SQL> conn apps/***@DB11_LOCAL ERROR: ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA SQL> conn apps/***@DB1_BALANCE Connected. SQL> conn apps/***@DB1_REMOTE ERROR: ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA Is it normal ?!! I can imagine that DB12_LOCAL the connexion is not ok because it's not but how about DB11_LOCAL ? |
Hi Erman,
after modifying my tnsnames.ora, connexion to all entries there with apps works fine. However, if I run adconfig.pl, this makes certains connections impossible like the ones I gave in my previous message: tnsnames.ora is modified. How can you explain this ? Is there any bug for that ? I should be able to run adconfig.pl as much as I want. Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Latifa |
Send me the following:
1)your tnsnames.ora file located under the TNS_ADMIN directory (after autoconfig) 2)lsnrctl status <your_local_listener_name> --again after autoconfig 3)lsnrctl status <your_remote_listener_name> --again after autoconfig 4)show parameter local --again after autoconfig 5)show parameter remote --again after autoconfig |
6)also send me the value of s_instLocalListener (from the db context file)
Take a look at the following note beforehand;
Running Autoconfig On RAC Instance, Failed With ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SID in CONNECT_DATA (Doc ID 577396.1) |
In reply to this post by ErmanArslansOracleBlog
set local_listener init parameter to be the local listener name.
set s_instLocalListener to be the local listener name Retry. You are also affected by the autoconfig bug. Check this for the wrong scan listener entries in your tnsnames.ora file -> SCAN Registration Issue: Services Fail to Register to SCAN Listeners (Doc ID 1448717.1) check these documents as well: How To Find Out The Example of The LOCAL_LISTENER and REMOTE_LISTENER Defined In The init.ora When configuring the 11i or R12 on RAC ? (Doc ID 744508.1) Getting ORA-12504 While Running Autoconfig (Doc ID 334861.1) |
set local_listener init parameter to be the local listener name.
set s_instLocalListener to be the local listener name Retry. --> done , adconfig OK However, still [(CONNECT_DATA= ] missing in the tnsname.ora for the local_listener and remote_listener. |
In reply to this post by ErmanArslansOracleBlog
One more question:
Why adconfig transform hostname t several IP addresses in the tnsnames.ora ? Thank you Latifa |
In reply to this post by latifa
No need for them to have connect_data..
Here: Reference: Troubleshooting Autoconfig Issues With Oracle Applications RAC Databases (Doc ID 756050.1) The tnsnames.ora on database tier must have following three entries for local and remote listeners on all RAC nodes. The following example assumes, a two node RAC having virtual host names icmtest8-vip, icmtest4-vip and SIDs PROD1, PROD2 : PROD1_LOCAL= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=icmtest8-vip.idc.oracle.com)(PORT=1521)) ) PROD2_LOCAL= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=icmtest4-vip.idc.oracle.com)(PORT=1521)) ) PROD_REMOTE= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=icmtest8-vip.idc.oracle.com)(PORT=1521)) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=icmtest4-vip.idc.oracle.com)(PORT=1521)) ) ) |
In reply to this post by latifa
This may be caused by an autoconfig bug, or by a problematic entry in one of the files/tables that autoconfig uses for building the tnsnames.ora.
check the following 14 things and ensure there is no ip address defined there. (defined where it must not be defined) Check these things and try to solve the issue, if you can't send me the following; 1)Your apps release 2)Your db version 3)your /etc/hosts file 4)your db context file 5)your remote listener parameter 6)your local listener parameter 7)your current listener.ora (your local listener's listener.ora) 8)your current tnsnames.ora (from TNS_ADMIN) 9)your autoconfig log file 10)output of "ping your virtual ipaddress" , "ping your virtual hostname" 11)output of "ping your physical paddress" , "ping your physical hostname" 12)lsnrctl status <LISTENER_NAME> --> listener name that is written in your local_listener parameter 12)lsnrctl status <LISTENER_NAME> --> listener name that is written in your remote_listener parameter 13)output of select * from fnd_nodes table (formatted) 14)output of FND_DATABASES, applsys.FND_DATABASE_INSTANCES, applsys.FND_TNS_LISTENERS, and applsys.FND_TNS_LISTENER_PORTS, (formatted) |
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please create a separate issue for this. |
I don't understand Erman. why should I open onother issue ... It's the same issue replying to your requests .. |
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