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Number of oacores and forms in EBS R12.2

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Number of oacores and forms in EBS R12.2

1159 posts
Hi Erman,

We have 2 node application,shared appltop. Max capacity for EBS datasource in our environment is 500. We have 450 Concurrent users.'

Can we increase the Max capacity to 600?

We have 64GB ram on each app nodes and CPU's are as below on each node.
CPU(s): 8
Thread(s) per core: 2
Core(s) per socket: 4
Socket(s): 1

Question is,based on above configuration, how many maximum oacores and forms, can each server support? Currently we have 2 oacores and 2 forms on each server.

Thanks & Regards,
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Re: Number of oacores and forms in EBS R12.2

5727 posts
First of all;

A rough recommendation is to have 1 managed server per 2 CPU core.
Rougly, one oacore can support 150 to 200 users depending on usage.
For higher user load, additional oacore managed servers need to be created.

For tuning the max capacity;

Lets see.. I supporse you don't have memory issues. You have 64 gb memory in each node.
450 concurrent user should be serviced by 4 oacores at least.. (their heap and stack sizes should be tuned according to the best practices)
So 4 oacore will be good (unless you have a special workload) with 8 cores.
You have lots of cores.. So why not :)?

Just check your environment (check OS load -- during normal office hours + peaks), ensure you have room to grow (in terms of memory and cpu) and then you can plan your actions.