The method you are considering to follow for this migration seems to correct.
You will just do a dataguard "failover"..
Business Continuity for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 using Virtual Hosts with Oracle 12c Physical Standby Database (Doc ID 2088692.1) -> Section 8: Role Transitions
Yes.. EBS 19C Upgrade requires multitenancy.. So during the process, you are going to convert your EBS DB to multitenant and it is a must.
We first install 19C -- software only. Then we create a CDB.. Then after we upgrade our EBS database to 19C, we convert it to PDB. So we don't create an empty PDB there beforehand..
Well, I don't think odacli upgrade-database is EBS aware.. So I would just follow the Interoperability Notes: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle Database 19c (Doc ID 2552181.1)... As for the upgrade --> The instructions for the database upgrade are outlined in Appendix B and Chapter 6 of the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide 19c