5727 posts
There is a missing datafile there.
When a datafile goes missing at the operating system level, you should need to restore and recover it from a backup.
RMAN>restore datafile <missing file id>;
RMAN>recover datafile <missing file id>;
RMAN>sql 'alter database datafile <missing file id> online';
There are other possible causes as well;
Such as;
Incorrect access permissions
Offline tablespace
Physical corruptions
Logical corruptions
Inconsistencies ( control file is older or newer than the data files and online redo logs)
I/O failures (limit on the number of open files exceeded, channels inaccessible, network or I/O error)
So keep those in mind and check the following MOS notes;
11g Data Recovery Advisor: How to recover from missing datafile (Doc ID 465946.1)
Recreating a missing datafile with no backups (Doc ID 1149946.1)