ORA-20002: [WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR]' encountered during execution of Generate function 'WF_XML.Generate' for event 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send'

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ORA-20002: [WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR]' encountered during execution of Generate function 'WF_XML.Generate' for event 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send'

We migrated a custom workflow to production and we started seeing below error in notifications. There is no change in this part of the code that we pushed with the new version though.

Wf_Notification.GetAttrblob(17784094, PDF_ATTACHMENT_SUPPLIER, text/html)
WF_XML.GetAttachment(17784094, text/html) WF_XML.GetAttachments(17784094, http://oracle.com:80/, 2785)
WF_XML.GenerateDoc(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 17784094)
WF_XML.Generate(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 17784094)
WF_XML.Generate(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 17784094)
Wf_Event.setMessage(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 17784094, WF_XML.Generate)

Does anyone encountered this issue in the past, pls suggest.
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Re: ORA-20002: [WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR]' encountered during execution of Generate function 'WF_XML.Generate' for event 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send'


You didn't write your EBS version, but still I m suggesting you to take a look at the following Oracle Support Documents:

Unable to Get the PO as Attachment When PO Communicate Option is Used - System Failed to Generate the PDF Document. Error message 3835 at EMAIL_PO_PDF_SUPP (Doc ID 1056167.1)

Error On PO Approval Notification Email (Doc ID 2147361.1)

Purchase Order Workflow Errors With ERROR_MESSAGE=3835 ORA-20002: [WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR]' PDF_ATTACHMENT_SUPP When Trying to Email Document (Doc ID 1069009.1)

These are for Standard workflows, but might give you a clue on solving your issue.

For further assistance;

*I need to see the whole error message (not only the ERROR stack)
*I need to see the "caused by" clauses in the error message(if there are any)
*I need to know your EBS version
*I need to know that the url http://oracle.com:80. What is this? Send me the correct url .