Oracle RAC and PCP in R12.2

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Oracle RAC and PCP in R12.2
We have a 3 node RAC ( and 3 nodes for application tier. Both concurrent processing and application services run on application tiers. Application version is 12.2.7.

We've defined database services for node-affinity to reduce the block shipping across the interconnect. We've defined 3 services for concurrent processing(cp1,cp2 and cp3) and 3 services for application (ap1,ap2 and ap3). cp1 and ap1 run on application node 1 and connect to RAC instance 1.

It seems Oracle document "Configuring and Managing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.x Forms and Concurrent Processing for Oracle RAC (Doc ID 2029173.1)" is not written for scenario where concurrent processing and application services are running on the same node.

Can you help clarify the following?

1. Do we need to create ap1.dbc file and set service_name to ap1 or we can just update <database>.dbc for service_name to ap1?
2. Do we need to create dbc file for concurrent processing?
3. what service_name should be used in s_apps_jdbc_connect_descriptor?

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Re: Oracle RAC and PCP in R12.2


I guess you already did all the srvtcl-related cluster registrations, tns-ifiles, TNS entries and listener(including scan) configuration for supporting these services architecture.. So you just need to tell EBS to use them.
Concurrent manager uses the TNS_ALIAS defined for them. They use s_cp_two task for their connections.
The other application components use TNS_ALIAS, dbc and APPS_JDBC_URL (present in the context file as well).. so you will just the necessary configuration changes according to your connection requirements and that's it..
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Re: Oracle RAC and PCP in R12.2
Thanks so much.
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Re: Oracle RAC and PCP in R12.2

In reply to this post by ErmanArslansOracleBlog
HI Erman,

Is there any document similar to 19c database in RAC mode and Application configured in PCP mode.

We have MRP program, where we have assigned multiple concurrent programs to MRP manager and increased MRP processes to 25.

As part of Cross platform migration we are facing issue with MRP program, as we are not able to achieve node affinity despite setting session control for all programs to Application node 1 and Target instance has been given as RAC instance SID.

Would like to know how Target instance parameter will be resolved whole connecting to database, should we add it in tnsnames of Application or need to create a separately JDBC file for the Target instance name?
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Re: Oracle RAC and PCP in R12.2

Please check the following MOS notes ->

EBS - Technology Area - Webcast Recording 'E-Business Suite - RAC & Parallel Concurrent Processing (PCP)' [video] (Doc ID 1359612.1)
How To Activate Parallel Con
How To Run a Concurrent Program Against a Specific RAC Instance with PCP/RAC Setup? (Doc ID 1129203.1)current Processing In R12 (Doc ID 1525233.1)
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Re: Oracle RAC and PCP in R12.2

Thanks Emran, let me have a look at them