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R12.1.3 migration from el5 32 bitto 64bit

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R12.1.3 migration from el5 32 bitto 64bit

1157 posts
Dear erman,

We have a new server with el5 64 bit os installed.Existing server is 32 bit.
We are planning to clone to new server. I have gone through one note but not clear.

Will there be any additional steps for this migration or can u pls highlight them.

We are aware of process for migration of r12.1.3 from server to server with same O's version and same bit.

Thank you,
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Re: R12.1.3 migration from el5 32 bitto 64bit

5727 posts
Your Apps is 32 bit right? It is a mini-project.. You should first do it on your TEST environment and then plan it for PROD..

In order to migrate to 64 bit, the general plan is as follows;
(this is to show you the general process.. For the detailed process, you should follow Application Tier Migration notes on MOS)

New Linux 64 bit installation.
Patching in source (required patches if there are any)
Run preclone and maintain snapshot info on Source
Analyze of Techstack & Patches on source
Create a custom manifest & upload it to Oracle Support
Copy the required directories from source to target(new 64 bit Linux)
JDK and infozip installation of target linux
Modify the source context file according to the target environment
New Tech stack installation on target Linux env.
autoconfig on target linux env
Apply the custom manifest patch on target linux
Control & check components and tech stack on target
Regenerate the filesystem objects and do the required adadmin tasks.
Clear the node config
Run autoconfigon DB + APPS node on target env.
Customer specific additional tasks and babysitting.
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Re: R12.1.3 migration from el5 32 bitto 64bit

1157 posts
Dear erman,

Thanks for the update.

"Your Apps is 32 bit right? It is a mini-project.. "

1) How can we check if our apps is 32bit?
2)why should we use these steps below.when we clone apps,we will get the existing tech stack right.

JDK and infozip installation of target linux.
New Tech stack installation on target Linux env.
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Re: R12.1.3 migration from el5 32 bitto 64bit

5727 posts
Just run "uname -a" and you will see whether your Linux OS is 32 bit or not.

You need to follow the proper 32bit-64bit apps Tier migration method, because it is the way. This is what Oracle says, and this is the requirement. Your compiler changes, your OS arch changes, you got to compile & configure and you got to install the components that has different installation packages for different architectures.