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Report Manager not working for office 365 in oracle r12.1.3

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Report Manager not working for office 365 in oracle r12.1.3

Mohammed Hamed
33 posts
Hello Erman,

We have an issue, user is complaining that report manager is not working with office 365 and we are on ebs r12.1.3.

Oracle suggested to apply the follwing patches.

Patch 26115786 got applied successfully but while applying 21314548 we are getting errors due to which we are unbale to proceed with the patching.






--- Creating AD_INST package body


Package body created.


--- Creating AD_PARALLEL_COMPILE_PKG package body

Input truncated to 7499 characters

SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored

Input truncated to 7499 characters

SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored

SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored

--- Creating AD_COMPILE package body


Package body created.


--- Creating AD_INVOKER package body
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Re: Report Manager not working for office 365 in oracle r12.1.3

5727 posts

Seems like it is blocked by sqlplus line length. There is workaround and fixes for this.. Just, adding a line break may work, But this is a standard sql and it is Interesting.

That sql runs adpcpspb.pls for creating that package body.. So it must be that pls that causing the problem in the backend.

This might be a carriage return problem in the file... I don't how those files are copied or installed into this server, but it seems sqlplus can not see the carriage return there.. So sqlplus is probably reading it as a one liner and that's where the error comes. Check those sql and pls that I mentioned above, save them by opening with a linux editor.. you may even use dos2unix , it may also useful.. So I think it is related with the file format of those sql and pls files... I think you understand what I mean, so analyze and take the corrective actions.