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Restore RMAN Backup of 11g on 19C

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Restore RMAN Backup of 11g on 19C

21 posts
Dear Erman,

I just need to know that can I restore the RMAN backup which I have taken on 11g to 19C?

Infact, I have installed 19C home on separate machine and now I need to restore a RMAN backup on this machine which I have taken on

Thanks & Regards
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Re: Restore RMAN Backup of 11g on 19C

5727 posts
No you can't . rman is not an upgrade tool. Then you better install an home to that machine and restore your backup.. If you need to upgrade that database to 19C , you should do your upgrade after you restore your db.

Actually there are some way for combining the restore with the upgrade.. It is still not what you are looking
 for. See -> RMAN Restore of Backups as Part of a Database Upgrade (Doc ID 790559.1)
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Re: Restore RMAN Backup of 11g on 19C

21 posts
Dear Erman,

Thanks for the update. The action plan that I have fol to upgrade my existing DB ( to 19c was as fol:-

Install GI 19c and DB 19c on new host (target machine)
Take backup of 11g db from older host (source machine)
Restored backup on 19c host (target machine)

Currently, I have been able to open the database in upgrade mode by using

sql> startup upgrade

As per the documentation that you have shared I have come to a point that now I need to run fol:-


and my up gradation is done. Afterword's, I would be able to use my database in a normal manner.

Pl review my scenario and give your kind words.

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Re: Restore RMAN Backup of 11g on 19C

5727 posts
Hi Zaheer,

At this point; you need to follow the appropriate documentation for completing upgrades to Oracle Database 19C.

This is clearly stated in RMAN Restore of Backups as Part of a Database Upgrade (Doc ID 790559.1).

Attention to the first action given in that document -> Before you begin, you must run pre-upgrade check script on source ORACLE_HOME while the database is open and follow all recommendations before continuing upgrade procedure per the documentation..

You had to do that preupgrade things before restoring your db to the new host/release.
Attention to the keyword -> "Before you begin"
The restore step is given in step 4, so a little later...

We don't want your upgrade to fail..

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Re: Restore RMAN Backup of 11g on 19C

21 posts
Thanks Erman for your kind guidance.