Security question

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Security question

Dear erman,

Option 1)

Ebs nodes erpapp1, erpdb1 —-> intranet
Two new servers Apexapp1,Apexdb1  in intranet

We created dblink from apexdb1 to erpdb1

We will configure Nginx reverse proxy which is exposed to internet, routes requests to Apexapp1.

Option 2)

Install apex in ebs database(erpdb1) and Apex application  in apexapp1..We will configure Nginx reverse proxy which is exposed to internet, routes requests to Apexapp1.

We want to know what are the disadvantages with these options when Nginx is compromised with some attack.
Pls express your thoughts..

Thank you
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Re: Security question

It is basically a reverse proxy in your conf.
Check the DMZ documentation and you will see what you can do, the alternatives and then you may plan your strategy and arch.

Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Configuration in a DMZ (Doc ID 380490.1)