Seed data table preparation - prepare phase

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Seed data table preparation - prepare phase

Dear Erman,

We understand during prepare phase,seed data tables are prepared and if patch wants to modify any  seeded data,it will operate on the copy.

we would like to understand will this seed data occupy space in patch edition?

Thank you
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Re: Seed data table preparation - prepare phase


what you need to know is the following ->

There must be sufficient space in the EBS 12.2 database to hold the duplicate copy of the seed data. This is also required for the patches that are changing the columns of the application tables. In this manner, the System tablespace should have at least 25GB of free space available, and the APPS_TS_SEED tablespace should have a minimum of 5GB of free space available before starting an online patching cycle. We also recommend you have at least 10 percent free space available in all other standard EBS tablespaces.  Later, within the cutover phase, the modified data becomes the actual data, and the former actual data becomes the old data, which is removed in the cleanup phase.