So your managers are up but don't process the concurrent requests , am I correct?
Maybe then, that form is not correct.. maybe it shows standard manager is up and running, but maybe it is actually down.
Verify it from the database;
Query to Check All Concurrent Manager Status
byHimanshu-November 07, 2019
We can use below query to check all concurrent managers status with node name and number of actual/target processes.
SELECT b.user_concurrent_queue_name "Concurrent Manager", a.TARGET_NODE "Node", a.running_processes "ACTUAL Processes", a.max_processes "TARGET Processes"
,DECODE (b.control_code
,'D', 'Deactivating'
,'E', 'Deactivated'
,'N', 'Node unavai'
,'A', 'Activating'
,'X', 'Terminated'
,'T', 'Terminating'
,'V', 'Verifying'
,'O', 'Suspending'
,'P', 'Suspended'
,'Q', 'Resuming'
,'R', 'Restarting'
) status
FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_queues a, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl b
WHERE a.concurrent_queue_id = b.concurrent_queue_id AND a.running_processes = a.max_processes
ORDER BY a.max_processes DESC;
Restart the CM stack if neccesary. Check the logs of Internal concurrent manager and standard manager if that s the case and solve the problem.
Other than that, for your specific question; here is a query for you ->
from fnd_concurrent_processes a,
fnd_concurrent_queues_vl b, fnd_concurrent_requests c
and a.CONCURRENT_PROCESS_ID = c.controlling_manager
and c.request_id = &request_id; ---> HERE you will replace the &request_id with your request id.
Note that, I didn't check those queries.. Just sending you as a quick help. But they look okay.