Hi Laurel,
It's been a while since I didn't mess with pfx's. But I checked the note and you are asking the right question :)
10.1 is for getting crt out of pfx.. Creating jks, creating a wallet and converting that jks to the wallet and exporting the cert(s) to crt.
10.2 is the standard procedure.
So you gotta combine those
You have 2 options:
Create the wallet and follow the standard routine for creating certificate request.. Once you got the pfx certificates, convert them to the crt and then import to the wallet.
Wallet's final location will be <s_ohs_instance_loc>/config/OHS/<s_ohs_component>/keystores/default.
So you start with step 10.2, and then go with step 10.1, and thet you will go back to step 10.2 and finish.
Create the wallet by following 10.1 and get your crt files by exporting them as given in those steps. Then, you create a CSR and import your crt(s) to that wallet.