Upgradation of grid infrastructure on Exadata X7-2

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Upgradation of grid infrastructure on Exadata X7-2

Up-gradation of grid infrastructure on Exadata X7-2 from 18c to 19c.

Current config is as fol:-
Machine: Exadata X7-2
Grid infrastructure - 18c
Database -

I need to upgrade the database on 19c.

First question: Can 19C be configured on grid 18c?
Second question: How to upgrade grid infrastructure 18c to 19c on Exadata X7-2
Third question: Is it possible that i can run database and 19c (both at the same time)under grid infrastructure 18c and 19c.

Thanks & Regards
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Re: Upgradation of grid infrastructure on Exadata X7-2

1) No
2) First upgrade the image of Exadata -- the image version should be 19* . Then follow -> 19c Grid Infrastructure and Database Upgrade steps for Exadata Database Machine running on Oracle Linux (Doc ID 2542082.1
3) You can not run 19c db with 18C grid. Other than that, my answer is yes. I mean you can have 19C grid and you can have both DB + 19C db .