What should an EBS DBA Learn to be future ready

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What should an EBS DBA Learn to be future ready

Dear Erman, which new things an EBS DBA should learn to be ready for the future - say next 10 years? Which technologies, tools?
Is Oracle Fusion the future of Oracle EBS and should every apps dba learn it? Your valuable guidance will help immensely.
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Re: What should an EBS DBA Learn to be future ready


10 years.. Hard to guess :)

I suppose you already improving your skills on EBS 12.2.*
In addition to that, you should learn the cloud-related stuff.. (EBS on OCI , EBS on Amazon..) Migration, Architectural design and management.

On the other hand, I don't think there will be a need for the APPS DBA in the case of using Fusion APPS..
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Re: What should an EBS DBA Learn to be future ready

Thank you so much for the reply, Erman.

Best Regards,
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Re: What should an EBS DBA Learn to be future ready

In reply to this post by ErmanArslansOracleBlog
Hello Erman,

We are moving our EBS 12.2.10 (19c) which is on RHEL to Azure Cloud. Could you point me to the right document, blogs which would be helpful in this?

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Re: What should an EBS DBA Learn to be future ready

In general, For Microsoft Azure, Amazon, and other vendors, Oracle does not Certify against 3rd party Cloud Products. (this is from Oracle Support but may not be up-to-date info..)

Actually, Oracle and Microsoft Azure have closely integrated, but since it is not OCI , we don't find any good Oracle documentation for this EBS on Azure thing . You have to find blog posts and other web content as well as Azure-side documentation.

This may be a good starting point -> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/-/oracle/oracle-oci-applications
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Re: What should an EBS DBA Learn to be future ready

Thanks Erman!