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WorkFlow mailer PROCESS and DISCARD files

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WorkFlow mailer PROCESS and DISCARD files

442 posts
On 11.5.10 DB on AIX
We have large PROCESS and DISCARD  WorkFlow mailer files.

How can we resize them to have smaller files?

Would they be recreated automatically if we rename them to PROCCE_BAK and DISCARD_BAK?

For example, let's all notifications and approval activities be finiched. Stop WorkFlow mailer. Rename them to PROCCE_BAK and DISCARD_BAK. Start WorkFlow Mailer.

Thanks and regards.
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Re: WorkFlow mailer PROCESS and DISCARD files

5727 posts
You may delete the old emails(already processed, finished or ignorable ones) sitting in those folders.

Correct method for doing that is;

Stop the notification mailer from Oracle Application Manager: Workflow Manager console.
Using a third party imap client, logon to the IMAP account.
Use the mail client's tools to delete or move messages to a  trash folder and empty the trash
folder, compacting as needed.
Be sure to log off of the account with the third party mail client: this is because it will interfere
with the java mailer if it's left connected.
Start the notification mailer.

And for the question about automatic folder creation, the short answer is no. Just create them manually.. Stop the mailer, do your operation , create the new folders and start the mailer.
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Re: WorkFlow mailer PROCESS and DISCARD files

442 posts
Thank you Arslan.