59 posts
Hi Erman,
how are you?
Our workflow mailer was working fine until morning today, suddenly it stopped.
we verified the office 365 account is working effectively for sending and receiving emails.
If i change the security to none the workflow mailer is getting started but not sending any emails.
if i change the security to start tls the workflow mailer is not starting up.
I tried running a test from operating system. but the command fails.
$AFJVAPRG -classpath .:$AF_CLASSPATH -Dprotocol=smtp
-Ddbcfile=$FND_SECURE/$TWO_TASK.dbc -Dserver=smtp.office365.com -Dport=587
-Dsecurity=STARTTLS -Dtruststore=$AF_JRE_TOP/lib/security/cacerts
-DoutboundUser=<username> -DoutboundPassword=<password> -Dconnect_timeout=120
-Ddebug=Y -Djavax.net.debug=all -Dlogfile=SmtpTestJan26.log
> SmtpTestJan26.out
please advise.