Hi Erman,
how are you?
Our workflow mailer was working fine until morning today, suddenly it stopped.
we verified the office 365 account is working effectively for sending and receiving emails.
If i change the security to none the workflow mailer is getting started but not sending any emails.
if i change the security to start tls the workflow mailer is not starting up.
I tried running a test from operating system. but the command fails.
$AFJVAPRG -classpath .:$AF_CLASSPATH -Dprotocol=smtp
-Ddbcfile=$FND_SECURE/$TWO_TASK.dbc -Dserver=smtp.office365.com -Dport=587
-Dsecurity=STARTTLS -Dtruststore=$AF_JRE_TOP/lib/security/cacerts
-DoutboundUser=<username> -DoutboundPassword=<password> -Dconnect_timeout=120
-Ddebug=Y -Djavax.net.debug=all -Dlogfile=SmtpTestJan26.log
> SmtpTestJan26.out
please advise.