Hi Raja,
Interesting case..
It is a long story to write the throubleshooting instructions here.
Following might help:
*Creating specific agent listeners to process events or groupings of events
*Create additional generic agent listeners for WF_DEFERRED agent
*In case, you can't fix the performance problem no matter what you do, then you can use the folllowing to process the messages in small batches
sqlplus apps/apps
set serveroutput on size 1000000;
msgCount integer := 10000;
errCount integer := 10000;
wf_event.listen(p_agent_name => 'WF_DEFERRED',
p_correlation => '<correlation_to_processed>',
p_message_count => msgCount,
p_max_error_count => errCount);
dbms_output.put_line('MESAGES: '||to_char(msgCount)||' '||
'ERRORED: '||to_char(errCount));
Please go through the MOS document named "Troubleshooting WF_DEFERRED Agent Listeners Performance (Doc ID 468650.1)"
Update me accordingly..