1157 posts
This post was updated on May 10, 2023; 6:47am.
Dear Erman,
We have upgraded oracle apps from R12.1.3 to R12.2.10. Applied RUP10 patch -->adop phase=apply apply_mode=downtime patches=30399999,33678475 merge=yes
Note:33678475 is Updated CETS for 12.2.10 (Patch)
We have ran empty patching cycle and it completed successfully-fsclone,prepare,finalize,cutover and cleanup
We have released the instance to users.
Here comes the problem-->Front end screen shows release version as R12.2.9 and backend also shows R12.2.9, But it should show R12.2.10.
We got the note id "EBS Application version is shown incorrectly as 12.2.9 after upgrading to 12.2.10 or higher (Doc ID 2857362.1)"
It says to reapply patch without merging...We need your guidance. Since we already applied the patch and released the instance to users.
At this stage,can we shut down the services and reapply the patch in downtime mode by running below command.
adop phase=apply apply_mode=downtime patches=30399999 options=forceapply
Do we need to apply the below patches once again after applying the above patch OR not required. We need your expertise.
like 33678475,1948857:R12.FND.C and online help patch
This is test instance. We need your suggestions.