442 posts
On R12.2.9 , DB 19c on AIX,when running adop I have:
[ERROR] ETCC not run in the database node ia2rcdb00003
The EBS Technology Codelevel Checker needs to be run on the database node.
It is available as Patch 17537119.
Then I stopped application server:
adstpall.sh:Exiting with status 0
I ran Autoconfig on DB tiers
AutoConfig completed successfully.
Autoconfig on APPL tiers
AutoConfig completed successfully.
I started application server
adstrtal.sh: Exiting with status 0
On DB tiers BDD I ran ETCC
[WARNING] 33192793 - DATABASE RELEASE UPDATE is not applied.
This is the recommended database Release Update. You should install it now
and then rerun this script to check for any further fixes available.
- Filename: p33192793_190000_AIX64-5L.zip
Finished checking fixes for Oracle Database: Tue Nov 30 16:26:03 CET 2021
I querried APPS.TXK_TCC_RESULTS table
sqlplus apps
But no records from DB tiers
-------------------- ------------------------- ----------
120.0.12020000.51 appserver FMW_WEB
120.0.12020000.51 appserver WEB_RSF
120.0.12020000.51 appserver FMW_COMMON
120.0.12020000.51 appserver WLS_HOME
120.0.12020000.51 appserver TOOLS_HOME
120.0.12020000.51 appserver TOOLS_RSF
Then I ran
adop phase=apply patches=18999568 hotpatch=yes
Node registry is valid.
[ERROR] ETCC not run in the database node dbserver
The EBS Technology Codelevel Checker needs to be run on the database node.
It is available as Patch 17537119.
Encountered the above errors when performing database validations.
Resolve the above errors and restart adop.
adop exiting with status = 1 (Fail)
Then the same error!!
Thanks for help.