Dear erman,
We are upgrading ebs rac database to 19c.In below step which port should we give,is it scan port or database listener port for dbport
Create CDB TNS Files
Oracle EBS Network Configuration has always been different to the standard database network configuration as you know that the TNS_ADMIN in database of EBS points to $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>. So we need to create the TNS files for EBS specifically using txkGenCDBTnsAdmin.pl.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
. ./txkSetCfgCDB.env dboraclehome=/u02/oratest/app/oracle/19.3
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
perl txkGenCDBTnsAdmin.pl -dboraclehome=/u02/oratest/app/oracle/19.3 -cdbname=testcdb \
-cdbsid=testcdb -dbport=1521 -outdir=/u02/oratest/app/oracle/19.3/appsutil/log
Thank you