Following query coming from Realtime Connection SQL module is the problem:
select objname, O.type# objtype, objowner, L2.*, O.subname from (select /*+ ordered */ 0, S.sid, S.serial#, nvl(S.sql_id, 0) , DECODE(L.type, 'TM', L.id1, 'TX', decode(L.request, 0, NVL(LO.object_id, -1), S.row_wait_obj#), -1) AS object_id , S.username, S.row_wait_obj#, S.row_wait_block# , S.row_wait_row#, S.row_wait_file#, L.type , decode(L.lmode, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'NULL', 2, 'ROW SHARE', 3, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', 4, 'SHARE', 5, 'SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE', 6, 'EXCLUSIVE', '?') , decode(L.request, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'NULL', 2, 'ROW SHARE', 3, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', 4, 'SHARE', 5, 'SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE', 6, 'EXCLUSIVE', '?') , L.id1, L.id2, L.ctime , P.spid, S.sql_hash_value from v$lock L, v$session S, v$process P, (select object_id, session_id, xidsqn from v$locked_object where xidsqn >0) LO where S.sid = L.sid and P.addr = S.paddr and L.type != 'MR' and L.sid = LO.session_id(+) and L.id2 = LO.xidsqn(+) ) L2 , sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" O , sys.user$ U where O.obj#(+) = L2.object_id and O.owner# = U.user#(+) and U.type# != 2