Hi Erman,
I aborted adop cycle and ran the below as you advised on one of my case which i raised before,
adop phase=abort
adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full
the above completed successfully and when i check the adop status im getting the below after i aborted the cycle,
[applmgr@qpupg ~]$ adop -status
Enter the password:*******FATAL ERROR*******
PROGRAM : (/u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/adzdoptl.pl)
TIME : Tue May 29 12:25:37 2018
FUNCTION: TXK::SQLPLUS::setConnectInfo [ Level 2 ]
Argument <user> must be a scalar
at /u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/Error.pm line 168
TXK::Error::abort('TXK::Error', 'HASH(0x3419648)') called at /u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/Util.pm line 292
TXK::Util::getScalarArg('TXK::Util', 'user', undef) called at /u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/SQLPLUS.pm line 259
TXK::SQLPLUS::setConnectInfo('TXK::SQLPLUS=HASH(0x27b5930)', 'HASH(0x3419750)') called at /u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/ADOP/GlobalVars.pm line 388
ADOP::GlobalVars::_validateUsrCredentials() called at /u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/ADOP/GlobalVars.pm line 458
ADOP::GlobalVars::_getADOPStatus(undef, undef) called at /u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/ADOP/GlobalVars.pm line 2265
ADOP::GlobalVars::_ValidateArgs() called at /u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/ADOP/GlobalVars.pm line 3111
ADOP::GlobalVars::ValidateArgs('ADOP::GlobalVars') called at /u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/ADOP/AdopMain.pm line 1842
ADOP::AdopMain::adopMain('ADOP::AdopMain') called at /u01/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/adzdoptl.pl line 148
[STATEMENT] Please run adopscanlog utility, using the command
"adopscanlog -latest=yes"
to get the list of the log files along with snippet of the error message corresponding to each log file.
adop exiting with status = 255 (Fail)
So the above error is becuase of not running fs_clone after the abort and cleanup?
Is fs_clone mandatory one after aborting every adop patching cycle?
Please provide fix for the above.