init script for Oracle VMs like Weblogic Server

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init script for Oracle VMs like Weblogic Server

Tomas Olaj
My name is Tomas Olaj, and working for Directorate of Fisheries in Norway. We have deployed an ODA with virtualized environment; Dom0, Dom1 (ODA_BASE) and several WLS domains. If ODA_BASE domain is exposed to a failure/disaster, then graceful restart is almost impossible except using ILOM to restart system.

With a ODA VM; ODA_BASE need to be booted by a script run on Dom0. We have created a run level script for that. But how do we create a run level script for all our user VMs like WebLogic; best practices.

With regards,
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Re: init script for Oracle VMs like Weblogic Server

When the ODA_BASE is up. You can start them using oakcli.
"oakcli start vm VIRTUAL_MACHINE_NAME" is enough for starting a virtual machine.

You can place this type of commands into /etc/rc.local. Thus will be executed after all the system services are started.

I could not find any best practices for that.

To stop , you can use oakcli stop vm VIRTUAL_MACHINE_NAME

you can use rc.local even for shutting down..
I didnt test it yet , but check the following ; it is nice if it s working..

Also, If you want to use rc.d runlevel scripts, prepare your "oakcli start vm "script in the same logic as you prepared for your  ODA_BASE.
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Re: init script for Oracle VMs like Weblogic Server

Tomas Olaj
Thanks Arslan,

A short architecture description: an ODA running PROD db on node0 and TEST db on node1 (2 core licenced on each = 2 EE db licenses). WLS running cluster on both having shared repository. Small enteprise.

If ODA_BASE has an incident and crash, the WLS domains will have problem with the shared repository, and we have no graceful control of these domains from Dom0.

ILOM communicates with a framework to controll services on ODA. If we also want a "trigger" that communicate with an UPS to recognize a local power failure (if power outage, the UPS has approx. 15 minutes), it would be nice to understand how ILOM actually works in such a way that we can trigger a graceful shutdown of the ODA.