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mount acfs filesystem

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mount acfs filesystem

1294 posts
Hi Erman,

Can you please advise why mount hangs

 /bin/mount -t acfs /dev/asm/osashare01-2 /interface

volume is enabled

Diskgroup Name: OSASHARE

         Volume Name: OSASHARE01
         Volume Device: /dev/asm/osashare01-2
         State: ENABLED
         Size (MB): 261120
         Resize Unit (MB): 64
         Redundancy: UNPROT
         Stripe Columns: 8
         Stripe Width (K): 1024
         Usage: ACFS
         Mountpath: /interface

GRID: 19.15

OS: Linux 8

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Re: mount acfs filesystem

5727 posts
You should see the ACFS logs and then try to predict the reason and get action..

Also see -> Mounting ACFS Filesystem Hangs On "mount.acfs.bin[#] asmIoctl_int: Invalid ioctl type for dev #" (Doc ID 2000037.1)
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Re: mount acfs filesystem

1294 posts
Thanks Erman,

when I enable the ACFS logging, I get below error

[grid@T24DBBackuperServer2 resources]$ ls
[grid@T24DBBackuperServer2 resources]$ acfsutil log -p oks -l 5
acfsutil log: CLSU-00107: operating system function: ioctl; failed with error data: 1; at location: OI_0
acfsutil log: CLSU-00101: operating system error message: Operation not permitted
acfsutil log: ACFS-03031: unable to set debug context or level
[grid@T24DBBackuperServer2 resources]$ acfsutil log -p ofs -l 5
acfsutil log: CLSU-00107: operating system function: ioctl; failed with error data: 1; at location: OI_0
acfsutil log: CLSU-00101: operating system error message: Operation not permitted
acfsutil log: ACFS-03031: unable to set debug context or level
[grid@T24DBBackuperServer2 resources]$ acfsutil log -p avd -l 5
acfsutil log: CLSU-00107: operating system function: ioctl; failed with error data: 1; at location: OI_0
acfsutil log: CLSU-00101: operating system error message: Operation not permitted
acfsutil log: ACFS-03031: unable to set debug context or level

Could you please help?

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Re: mount acfs filesystem

1294 posts
On some systems, I was able to proceed with mount after reboot. However, I was getting warning

mount: /osashare: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/asm/interface01-433, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
mount.acfs: CLSU-00107: operating system function: OfsWaitProc; failed with error data: 32; at location: OWPR_1
mount.acfs: CLSU-00101: operating system error message: Broken pipe
mount.acfs: ACFS-02014: Mount of /osashare failed.  Error 0 was returned.
mount.acfs: ACFS-02129: Volume /dev/asm/interface01-433 cannot be mounted.  Volume is out of space.


How can i proceed with the resize if ACFS is not mounted?

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Re: mount acfs filesystem

5727 posts
Is there a source host OS on which you can mount this ACFS share? You said : "On some systems, I was able to proceed with mount after reboot. However, I was getting warning" , so is it mounted or not? If mounted, delete files or resize the ACFS file system from that node that has it mounted, as suggested on MOS note : ACFSK-0052: ACFS VOLUME MOUNT FAILED. VOLUME IS OUT OF SPACE (Doc ID 1389624.1)

Note that, you are asking something different now. If you want to go further, please revise your question and focus on a single issue , step by step okay :)

If you need to go further, please check the OS log as well.. As you will see in the MOS note above, OS log & orarootagent_root.log are important for diag.
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Re: mount acfs filesystem

5727 posts
In reply to this post by Roshan
And about that operation not permitted error; see the following blog post ->


It seems there are some ACFS issues/bug in RHEL / OEL 7 environments running with some UEK kernels.. So check that as well..

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Re: mount acfs filesystem

1294 posts
In reply to this post by ErmanArslansOracleBlog
Thanks for the update. Will check.