move compute and cell nodes from one exadata to another

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move compute and cell nodes from one exadata to another

I have two exadata X4-2 machines of which configuration as follows:


Exadata 1 configuration:   Two X2-2 compute nodes, two X4-2 compute nodes, 7 storage cells. There are two clusters configured one comprising two X2-2 compute nodes and 3 Storage Cells and the second cluster has two X4-2 compute nodes and 4 Storage servers. Exadata software version is



Exadata 2  configuration: Two X4-2 compute nodes and three Storage Cells.Exadata software version is 18c


From the Exadata 1 box, I want to remove two X4-2 compute nodes and 4 Storage Cells and add to the Exadata 2 machine thus becoming an Elastic exadata Rack comprising 4 X4-2 compute nodes and 7 Storage CELLS.

What all should be the procedures to accomplish the above
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Re: move compute and cell nodes from one exadata to another

You need to implement the Elastic configuration as you said..

first, you need to cables those nodes into your existing Exadata2.

After that, you will need to follow a similar approach as documented in :
"Elastic Configuration on Exadata (Doc ID 1953915.1)" Section :  "Adding an X5 Node into an Existing X5 Rack" or you may consider reimaging as documented in Section : "Procedure if Re-imaging (rather than using applyConfig) for a New Rack"

It also depends on your Exadata Software version..

Important note: The things that I wrote above, are just for giving you an idea, a way.. I just tried to help you for finding your own way..

These kinds of configurations require serious analysis, at least much more than the info you gave me.

"If I were you, I would definetely create an Oracle Support SR for this and get the approval of Oracle before implementing anything."