Here is an info for you..
You need to read my book for further info about this: executes, which in turn executes with the ebs-nmstart-managedsrv method call,
which reads the context file for building the Java and WebLogic-related command-line arguments and starts
the Managed Server via the Node Manager. does lots of validations and checking before starting the managed server as well..
In conclusion, when the EBS 12.2 environment is stable (that is
when there are no updates done in the context files or any EBS FMW-related code files since the last start of
the WebLogic Managed Servers), WebLogic Administration Console can also be used for managing (stopping,
starting, and so on) EBS 12.2 Managed Servers. But Oracle recommends using the AD scripts for managing the FMW components on EBS 12.2.