oacore alerts r12.2

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oacore alerts r12.2

Hello Erman,

We have a requirement to send alert when oacore stops responding to user requests.We are on R12.2 apps and 12cr2 db.

Please suggest how can we achive this.

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Re: oacore alerts r12.2

Why do you want to do that with Oracle Alert?
By definition, Oracle alerts is defined for the database events.
However; there is no table that you can query for determining the current status of oacore.
it is also not worth building such a mechanism for querying a managed server status from the database.

Well, you can write a bash script and let the crontab to do the rest of the work.
Alternatively, you can use WebLogic Diagnostic Framework or WLDF to let Weblogic itself do this work.
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Re: oacore alerts r12.2


On Sat, May 9, 2020, 15:29 ErmanArslansOracleBlog [via Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Why do you want to do that with Oracle Alert?
By definition, Oracle alerts is defined for the database events.
However; there is no table that you can query for determining the current status of oacore.
it is also not worth building such a mechanism for querying a managed server status from the database.

Well, you can write a bash script and let the crontab to do the rest of the work.
Alternatively, you can use WebLogic Diagnostic Framework or WLDF to let Weblogic itself do this work.

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Re: oacore alerts r12.2

Yes. That's what I said.

9 May 2020 Cmt 19:50 tarihinde satish [via Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum] <[hidden email]> şunu yazdı:

On Sat, May 9, 2020, 15:29 ErmanArslansOracleBlog [via Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Why do you want to do that with Oracle Alert?
By definition, Oracle alerts is defined for the database events.
However; there is no table that you can query for determining the current status of oacore.
it is also not worth building such a mechanism for querying a managed server status from the database.

Well, you can write a bash script and let the crontab to do the rest of the work.
Alternatively, you can use WebLogic Diagnostic Framework or WLDF to let Weblogic itself do this work.

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