oracle wms are hanging

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oracle wms are hanging

system.txtWMS.txtWMS-HANGING-WINDOW.jpgINV.txtDear Erman,

We are using EBS 12.1.3 with database.  For last 2 days we are having a problem in WMS application, our end users are accessing WMS through Oracle Mobile Application.
Once they are receiving a shipment through WMS, its got hanging state...the message are appeared....Please wait.

I am attaching the logs & screenshot of WMS application.

Please check & advice us.
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Re: oracle wms are hanging

This seems like an internal issue.

Collected info:
WMS ORA-01086 -- Probably a rollback is happening (with to savepoint clause), which erases all the savepoints automatically.
Note that:  Rollback without a savepoint ends the transaction, undoes all changes in the current transaction, erases all savepoints in the transaction and releases any transaction locks

probably, something is failing and it makes a rolback of the whole transaction.. We need to find what is failing.. That ORA-01086 may be a result rather than a cause. -- the code and the line that is failing..
java.sql.SQLException: Exception while calling java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: No more data to read from socket -- this seems like a crash happening on the other side of the process where the data is read.

Please send me a debug log for the WMS:

How To Create INV Debug and MWA Log Files From WMS/MSCA Transactions Along With Pick Release and Interface Trip Stop Logs (Doc ID 1400383.1)

Also create a SR in parallel.. This may be caused by a bug or by a wrong data , as well..